Bromeliaceae: Neoregelia Margari.

Sketches and notes from the microcosmo.

Neo regelia Margari part of a big family of tropicals plants that belongs to Pinapples. They spontaniously grow in central America and in Africa, and they can adapt to live in quite dry areas.
I had the possibility to observe them in the Jardín botánico de Valencia, where they are grown in a greenhouse, and getting close to one of them I have noticed that this plant stores water in his heart. They don’t have roots and directly take water and nutrition from the center of themselves.
This concept looks to me as metafor of life. Means getting inspiration and nutrition within oursef , and transform our body in a perfect conteiner to permit our soul to stay centered and grow.


 In nature doesn’t exist the concept of bad and good, worst and better, becauseeverything live in condivision and harmony and coexist in eternal tranquillity.If we get close to a plant and we observe it with attention, we can find the principle of the structure that rules them and everything in the universe. Everything grow and expand in harmony within the universe, just because of the fact of existing.
The natural function of all microscopic and macroscopic ecosystems, is the evolution and the expansion.
Within nature you feel protected, unique, and original as you are, because doesn’t exist any form of judgment. Life exist without any need that someone is going to observe it.
Life exist beyond space and time.
The understanding of the macroscopic in the microscopic means finding the essence and understanding the rules of the universe. It means going further social scheme and prejudices.
Nature constantly reveals those concepts to humanity, which doesn’t pay attention to this epiphanies, because is deeply centered in the routine of his quotidianity.
If we would stop to observe with attention the messages from the universe, we will understand that there isn’t anything to look for, or yearning or achieving, because everything we need is already there for us.
We just have to be.